Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/22

Year: 2022

Ulisa: Journal of International Studies is published by Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Institute of International Relations and Strategic Research. Ulisa is a biannual academic journal. The publication language is Turkish, and English.

The publication principle of Ulisa depends on highlighting quality rather than quantity, contributing to the academic literature in Turkish and encouraging interdisciplinary studies. Ulisa supports open access to information.

The articles focusing on the topics which are within the scope of the discipline of International Relations are given priority in the journal. In addition, articles from the fields like Political Science, Economics, Public Administration, History, Law, Anthropology, Environment can also be published. In other words, Ulisa is open to all articles focusing on any dimensions of international relations.

* The articles should be submitted via e-mail

* The articles should be send to ulisa@ybu.edu.tr as e-mail attachment.

* Before submitting your article, please  your article in accordance with the author guideline mentioned below.


1) Articles submitted to Ulisa: Journal of International Studies should be original contributions that would bring about a new perspective to the studied topic, and should not be published previously.

2)  If a submitted article is selected for publication, it’s copyright will be transferred to the Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies (ULİSA). Published papers can be cited by providing appropriate bibliographical information.

3) The submitted manuscripts can be published only after at least one positive reports by the reviewers and decisions taken by the Editorial Board.

4) The legal and academic responsibilities for published material belong to the author(s) for their publications. Statements of opinion appearing in the articles are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the Journal.

5) Articles should be between 6500 and 7000 words including the footnotes.

6) The manuscripts should be written with Cambria and 1,5 space in one of the Word programs 12 points for the main text, and 10 points for the footnotes should be used.

7) The articles should include Turkish and English abstracts and keywords. Each abstract should be approximately 100 words. Turkish and English keywords should not exceed 5 words each.

8) A bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the Ulisa Reference Guideline, and sent as a separate word document together with the article.

9) Figures and Tables should be numbered, and their explanations should be prepared below. Example: “Figure 1. Ethnic Groups in Syria (Source: Anadolu Agency”, “Table 1. Annual Change in Electricity Consumption of Turkey (Source: Energy Market Regulatory Authority”.

10) A 750 words-long English summary should be included at the end of articles written in Turkish.

11) In articles, footnote citation system should be used.

12) The articles should include a cover page prepared in accordance with the Ulisa Cover Page which can bedownloaded here.

Dergide, Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplininin akademik olarak ilgilendiği alanlardaki çalışmalara bilhassa öncelik verilmektedir. Ayrıca İktisat, Siyaset Bilimi, Kamu Yönetimi, Tarih, Hukuk, Antropoloji, Çevre ve Kent Çalışmaları veya uluslararası ilişkilere dair sosyal bir meseleyi ele alan fen ve mühendislik eserlerine de yer verilebilmektedir. Kısaca, Ulisa, uluslararası ilişkilerin herhangi bir boyutunu ele alan bütün makalelere açıktır.

Makale gönderim/süreç işletimi ücretsizdir.

Ulisa: Journal of International Studies is published by the ULİSA Institute.